Blazor Stability Testing Tools for Bullet Proof Applications

Blazor Stability Testing Tools for Bullet Proof Applications

.NET in the browser may sound like Blazor's strength, however the story of Blazor testing may just be its biggest potential upside. In this session we'll discuss what makes Blazor an ideal candidate for: Unit Testing, Integration Testing, and Automated System Testing.

Language English
Level Level 100

Edition Blazor Day 2021
Room Main 2021
Hour 7:15 PM (Paris Time)
10:15 AM (PDT)


Ed Charbeneau
Ed Charbeneau

Ed is a Microsoft MVP and an international speaker, writer, online influencer, a Developer Advocate for Progress, and expert on all things web development. Ed enjoys geeking out to cool new tech, brainstorming about future technology, and admiring gr...


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